Ringside Boxing Glove Care Guide
When correctly looked after, a high quality pair of leather boxing gloves should last a very long time. To keep your gloves in tip-top condition, there are a few things we recommend doing. Follow these simple steps in order to ensure that you get the most out of your boxing gloves:

Air Out Your Gloves!
Leaving your gloves in your kit bag after a hard session allows for bacteria to start multiplying in your gloves. The warm damp environment is where bacteria thrives, so if you ever notice a foul odour coming from your gloves, this will be why.
In order to prevent this, it is vital to ‘Air out’ your boxing gloves after each session. The most common method throughout the ages, would be to simply hang up your gloves in a well ventilated area (the more airflow, the better!). It is the moisture within the glove which causes the odour to build, so removing the moisture as quickly as possible is the best way to keep your gloves smelling fresh for longer. If you have access to a fan, this will help speed up the airing out process.
After the drying out process, use a disinfecting or deodorising product to keep the gloves smelling fresh. We highly recommend the product No Stink, which is both a natural deodorizer and anti bacterial. As well as this, they help absorb any excess moisture which may be left in your gloves.
Leather Care Guide
Cleaning the exterior of your gloves is important due to the nature of the sport. Depending on the activities you have been doing, it is more than likely that your gloves will at some point come into contact with blood, sweat and tears. In order to prevent the growth of bacteria, it is important to wash the exterior of your gloves after each session.
Using a gentle soapy solution, lightly clean the exterior of your gloves until visibly clean. Avoid the use of stronger chemicals, alcohol based cleaners and abrasive cloths, as these will cause the leather to begin to crack and will accelerate the ageing of your gloves leading to cracking and the drying out of the leather. If your leather gloves become too dry, the gloves will become hard, stiff and unusable for sparring.
After cleaning, use a leather wipe to keep the leather healthy and prevent drying out. Couple these with a leather conditioner and a soft cloth and your gloves will remain pristine, ready for the next training session.
Now cleaning is complete, keep the gloves in a cool, dry place to mitigate any moisture accumulation. Leave a deodorising agent in your gloves if desired.